SEO Keyword

SEO Keyword

Keywords represent the intent of people’s searches online. Unfortunately, their intent is not necessarily clear. Some searchers are looking for information, for research, or for retails. Whatever they are looking for, if they are looking for what your business offers, we’ll make sure they find you. We’ll show you which keywords will bring you the most business, and how to best utilize these keywords on your website. 

Setting SEO Priorities

What are your SEO Priorities? What messages do you want to display? What kind of keywords do you want to be associated with? How much effort/resources are you going to commit? Companies mistake SEO services for bringing instant results. It most definitely doesn’t! It takes consistent effort that takes weeks, even months to show results. We help companies set agressive yet realistic goals and expectations for their SEO projects.

Consultation on Keyword Targeting

Our SEO service is a comprehensive process but it starts from the keywords you select. How many words do you want to ‘target’ or put in effort to rank high for? At a minimum, to protect your brand keywords, we recommend at least 30-40 words to aim to rank top 10 in, and another 40 ‘secondary’ keywords to rank at least in the top 20.

Competition Analysis

We’ll look at all your major competitors for your brand keywords and find out which words they are ranking well for and incorporate our SEO strategy to rank well for their words as well.

Keyword Research

We will do an extensive study on which keywords are relevant not only to your brand but also to searchers, and competitors. We will build a massive ‘seed list’ made up of brainstorming and using the Google Keyword Research Tool. Seed lists are made of product terms, brand names, features & benefits, category terms, related terms, problem/solution terms. This is around 300-500 words. Then we’ll narrow the list down based on their relevance to your business. Once we have narrowed down the list to 30-40 brand words, we will propose a site structure that best utilizes these keywords for search engines.


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