Using Twitter to promote blog

“Experts are calling it the biggest marketing tool for your business since Google,” notes Ali Husayni of Master Google. Everyone knows they should be using Twitter, but how? A mere 140 characters doesn’t seem to be much of a marketing opportunity. But it can be very handy if you use it right.
Instant Information: Since Twitter is all about what a person is doing right now, there is no faster way to get the word out. When you tweet about a recent development, you are disseminating that information instantaneously to your followers. Twitter is perfect for people with Web-enabled phones and small screens; if an individual wants to contact people where they are at the moment (for instance, at a trade show or big event), Twitter can do it.
Faster than Blogs: Blogs are a great source of information about the latest happenings in a business. But getting someone to read your blog means enticing them to visit a website – and this extra step may be a deal breaker. Tweets get the information to the audience without requiring them to commit the time and energy to locate and visit a site. Businesses can use Twitter to announce a new blog post or webinar – driving traffic to their site. Think of tweets as little micro-blogs.
Following/Getting Followed: Twitter is all about building relationships. When you start a Twitter account, you can search for others with similar interests and “follow” them. They, in turn, can follow you – allowing you to build up an audience relatively quickly. And since Twitter is inherently democratic, it’s not hard to get fairly well-known people in a field to “follow” you.

Building a Network: As with other social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, Twitter lets you locate and join communities of people with similar interests. Once you have people who are part of a network, you can solidify those relationships by sending them emails, responding promptly to questions, and keeping track of retweets (and thanking those who retweet their posts).

Retweets: Twitter is democratic. Anyone can have an account and can tweet about whatever they want. But Twitter users need to make the content interesting so that their followers will want to share the information with their followers. “If you can do this, you’re harnessing the true power of Twitter,” explains Husayni, of the Google ranking company Master Google, known for its 1st page of Google program. “Not only is it democratic, but it’s viral. You write the tweet and let your Twitter network do the rest.”

Content: The best content is informational rather than overtly promotional. Don’t think of tweets as ads, but as informative posts. Instead of: “New product! Only 19.95!,” you should think along the lines of “We have a new product. Click here to learn about it and view pricing information.”

“People don’t want to send their followers tweets that feel like advertisements or spam, but they do want to share valuable information,” notes Husayni, an SEO Services expert. “Tweeters should be sure they only use the site when they have valuable content to share.”

Monitor: When using Twitter, it’s important to keep track of essential keywords so a company can read and react to the most valuable tweets. Any SEO consulting company will also advise that a business monitor its Web presence. Twitter is a great tool for seeing what is being said about your company.


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