SEO Link Building

Your link ‘reputation’ affects rankings. When you link from Page A to Page B, your link includes keywords in the text of the link. Search engines see that text as ‘part’ of Page B. That will increase the Rankings for Page B of that keyword you used in the text link. This applies to your links inside your site and also to incoming links from other sites. As an SEO Company, we use these principles and many more to effectively link your website and increase your rankings.

External Link Building

Websites needs ‘authority’ or Page Rank from other website’s links in order for it to rank well. We will provide you with the guidance and assistance for your external link building strategy.

Internal Link Building

We will make sure there are the relevant text links are found at the bottom of each page bring visitors to the next relevant page.

Smart PageRank Distribution
Adding “nofollow” to a link reduces its importance in the spiders’ world, while leaving it intact for users. This is recommended by search engines as it redistributes PageRank to only important page yet preserves the usability function of links.

Bad Link Check

Having bad links or broken links can hurt your rankings. Our SEO services include reviewing and correcting your company website of any bad links to preserve your rankings.

Link Reduction

Having too many links can be a problem. Some SEO companies make the mistake of putting in excessive amount of liks that it’s purpose becomes questionable. Removing links to just the right amount can enhance usability. Did you know having >150 links can exceed search engine spiders’ crawling limits? We will examine and optimize links within your content, header, foot and the navigation on different level and templates.


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