NoFollow & DoFollow

NoFollow and DoFollow is a simple SEO technique that proved unable to help increase traffic and backlinks blog quickly. This method is preferred for newbie bloggers, which on average they expect to increase the traffic and backlinks quickly. But there are also some people who do not like this cause has a high risk for search engines. If we adjust with the words could be interpreted as…
  • NoFollow : HTML language that gives orders to search engines does not give effect to increase the target’s ranking on the link that is on a hyperlink text.
  • DoFollow : Give permission to search engines to provide a link, so the text links will automatically give a backlink.

The advantages that if you use DoFollow attribute, search engines will following the keywords from article including comments although not matching keywords with contents. The comment box can be used as a means to insert a keywords.
But the weakness if use it’s increase precentase of spam comments that ise search engines not like it. The content of the comment sometimes there is also a fad and not useful. How to change the original template settings from NoFollow to DoFollow? Actually you just need to delete the Follow attribute on templates.
For use the Blogger platform, go to “Edit HTML” page then give the checklist on “Expand Widgets Template”. Then find and delete code below, after that save your settings.
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
If you using a WordPress Self-Hosting platform, you can configure from Cpanel or FTP-Client. Follow this simple instructions below…
Go to folder wp-includes > open the default-filters.php file. Find code below add the double slash (//) at the front code. Double slash is a order to disable code functions, so if you wanna back to default setting, just remove it.
add_filter('pre_comment_content', 'wp_rel_nofollow', 15);
Next step, open file comment-template.php. Find code like below and simply delete rel=”external nofollow” attribute.
$return = "<a rel="external nofollow" href="$url">$author</a>";
After finish save your changes and from now, your blog will used the DoFollow – simple SEO technique. Leave a comment on another blogs and promote your blogs if use the dofollow attribute, your blog will get many backlinks in short times.


Fortune Articles said...

DoFollow doesn't technically exist, instead, it is the absense of the nofollow tag in a link. Links withnofollow do not count as backlinks to Google and other search engines, so you don't get the search engine ranking benefit for a link with nofollow.

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