Google Gives SEO Link Building Advice

The way the search engines operate is almost always changing. Sometimes the changes happen while we sleep and sometimes we are given a heads up way in advance so that we can prepare for the blow. Regardless building links is always going to be an integral part of building up a business online.

In a recent blog post Google gives their advice on some ways to build up nice quality links pointing to your website in order to get on Google’s good side.
“Directory entries are often mentioned as another way to promote young sites in the Google index. There are great, topical directories that add value to the Internet. But there are not many of them in proportion to those of lower quality. If you decide to submit your site to a directory, make sure it’s on topic, moderated, and well structured. Mass submissions, which are sometimes offered as a quick work-around SEO method, are mostly useless and not likely to serve your purposes.”
I’m really glad Google has addressed this because I still see people trying to purchase the mass directory submission services that simply blast out your information to a large amount of useless directories that virtually give off no linking power at all. Google recommends finding industry specific directories that are relevant to your business or your industry and focusing on getting your company listed in those websites.
“It’s important to clarify that any legitimate link building strategy is a long-term effort. There are those who advocate for short-lived, often spammy methods, but these are not advisable if you care for your site’s reputation. Buying PageRank-passing links or randomly exchanging links are the worst ways of attempting to gather links and they’re likely to have no positive impact on your site’s performance over time. If your site’s visibility in the Google index is important to you it’s best to avoid them.”
Basically what Google is saying is that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Link building is an effort that takes time and strategy and trying to cut corners and buy links is a bad idea and should be removed from your marketing plan.


carinamodella said...

interesting! very informative for a newbie like me. thanks for the visit :)

Iklan Baris Gratis Tanpa Daftar said...

wah tutorial bule nih, btw infonya bagus2 shob. terimakasih sharingnya

Information said...

thanks for the info, I came to know about SEO ...

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