Wear Your Marketing Hat Often!

Optimizing a website is a craft that many acquire after going through the motions time and time again, and gaining the knowledge to do search engine optimization effectively. It is not about jamming keywords throughout your website with having the hopes of gaming the system along the way. Put all that nonsense aside bring some marketing to the table and watch your efforts work much more effectively.

1. User Experience:
Think about the user experience for a minute. If you jam keywords all over each page where the flow of reading is disrupted then how is your audience going to respond to that? In order for them to pick up the phone and call you they need to be able to read your copy with no interruptions and if every three words of your copy is a keyword they will most likely just leave your website entirely. There is a thin line between too many keywords and not enough so make sure you walk that line safely.

2. Targeted:
Make sure you are picking keywords that fit the content of that specific page. What I mean by this is that if you sell headbands on a specific page target head band related keywords for that page. Don’t target wrist band related keywords as well because you want to rank for that keyword. Always keep things relevant when it comes to optimization because the search engines will respond much better to it.

3. Conversions:
Optimizing a website is not just about search rankings and keywords. It is also about how people interact with your website. Content is great and all but what good is all that content if your traffic does not understand what they should be doing once they arrive at your website. Think about all the conversion aspects that need to be visible on your website for your traffic to actually convert into an action.
Approach the optimization of your website using a marketing approach rather than a ranking approach and your decisions will be centered on building your brand and converting your traffic rather than just jamming keywords into your website with the hopes of ranking in the search results.


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