Establish Your Website Goals

The internet space is crowded, very crowded so it really takes a great deal of energy and marketing for any business to stand out online. Don’t worry about what your competitors are doing or what someone else is trying to do on their website because their goals might be completely different from yours. Really focus on your ultimate business goal your website needs to achieve.

Let’s take a look at some of the various website business goals:

1. Ecommerce: If your goal is an ecommerce website you need to focus on your products entirely. Don’t worry about being a community or pumping thousands of articles into your website simply worry about your visitors finding your products as simple as possible. Ecommerce websites require much more positive user experience than a traditional informative website. Take a look at power house websites like Target and Wal-Mart just so you can see what types of approaches they take on their website. Things like recommended products on individual product pages along with simple things like sizing charts if you are selling clothing are simply a must.

2. Website Leads: I have actually come across websites that have a website lead conversion as their business model and they have one lead form on the entire website. If you are looking to develop leads coming through your website you are going to have to have a lead form on every single page of your website. Don’t ever make people hunt and look for anything. Focus on your goal and build your website around that goal.

3. Phone Calls: If phone calls is what you need make sure to have the phone number on your website. Not just once, not just twice but actually a handful of times on each service page of your website. If you want your phone to ring how do you think that could happen if you only have it listed on your contact page?
Understand that a website requires certain elements depending on what your business goals are. If you have more than one goal than make sure to incorporate the right elements to satisfy those goals tastefully. Lead forms and phone numbers will sometimes work differently when placed in different areas of your website. Test and change from time to see what works better and what doesn’t.


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