Blog Writing Topics to Use

Do you struggle with trying to come up with topics to write about in your blog? Sometimes it can get very difficult to really come up with great new topics to write about in your industry. If you are in an industry where you have lots of writing competition it can get pretty difficult to come up with nice new juicy content that people will read and link to. However it is not impossible and you should still try and come up with new content as much as possible.


Here are some blog writing tips to grow your business blog:

How-To-Guides: Try writing a variety a different posts where you industry can learn and better their jobs or careers. Everyone loves free information.

Product Reviews: Grab a handful of products each month and write a review on them.

Office Fun: Write about different funny and wacky things that might be occurring in your office.

Industry Events: Pick some industry events that happen every year and either write about them or write a recap with photos if you happen to go that specific event.

Industry Rants:
Hey it’s your blog you can go on a rant about something in your industry if you want. If it is something that many others can relate to you might just find yourself generating really nice links.

Lists: Search engines seem to really like lists. Find a unique creative way to put together lists of information others can benefit from.

Interviews: Interview a leader in your industry. Maybe it is someone that makes their rounds through the conferences or it could be someone else who runs a similar company to yours.

Photos: Maybe you don’t feel like writing that day you can put together a post with just photos of your warehouse, office or equipment. Who knows take a picture of the UPS guy and put him on your blog to show your audience you like to have fun at the office.

Promotions: Write about some promotions that might be happening in your sales department.

Company News: Did the newspaper or a magazine just do a write up on your business? Put it in your blog.
Your blog is your voice so don’t be scared and put anything you want on there. It is entirely up to you what you write about. Hopefully my short list here will help give you some good ideas to use for your blog writing efforts.


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