2 Simple Ways to Restore Your PageRank

I hope these two tips can help your blog back to the previous PageRank level. If you have been punished by Google for selling paid links or sponsored posts of different programs like pay per post.
As you all knew, Google system will crawl your blogs or websites to find any keywords like "sponsored", "paid" "hire me" or even "review me" and sort your blog into blacklist and your PageRank will be down to lower level even "0". You can easily see the PageRank of some big blog like John Chow dot Com down from PR6 to PR3 and now up to PR4.
Just to share with you two simple tips that I learned from some of my friends who successfully restore their PageRank in the period of 3 - 6 months.


1. Remove all sponsored post tags on each of your posts. Search engines can follow these tags to determine if you are being paid for posts.

2. Remove any other tags like "hire me" and "review me". Any general affiliate banners are fine to keep.

Why do we need PageRank? Is the Alexa rank enough to convince the advertisers? No, PageRank is still the most important factor that determine your blog quality and you will easily sell ads space if you have high PageRank.
I hope these simple tips could help you some if you are seriously interested in restoring your PageRank. Further, you can do other methods but you should also be careful as Google system can identify fake Pagrank easily.


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