Avoid The Three Most Common SEO Mistakes

From tips about using White Hat SEO to providing Free SEO advice, our Master Google team writes this blog to demystify the SEO world for our readers. Keeping in line with our previous efforts, we want to continue to help you with your SEO efforts. Today’s topic revolves around avoiding three of the most common SEO mistakes. While there is an endless list of things to do and to avoid when it comes to search engine optimization, avoiding these three things are in the ‘do or die’ category when it comes to launching or continuing a successful SEO campaign.

Not Being Consistent With Your Information

Your website might be flawless, but remember that your online presence also includes your other online profiles. Update all of your content, on every platform (Google +, Google Maps, Google Places, Yelp, etc.), every time. Failure to do so will hinder your SEO efforts, according to a recent article by Ashley Zeckman of TopRankBlog.com.
“It is important that your Google Places profile contains the same information as any other profiles your company may have online. Google Places pages create another opportunity to build trust and consistency as part of your marketing strategy. Be sure to audit your other profiles and answer each question as consistently as you can,” Zeckman said.

Ignoring Very Present Social Media Influences

It has been almost six years since Twitter launched, and since then, its users have grown to giant proportions. An article from Time Techland dated September 2011 revealed that Twitter has 100 million active users. Facebook launched in February 2004, and as of January 2012, there are 800 million users.
Use these sites and remember that they really do impact your SEO efforts. These websites are places where people spend countless hours connecting with friends or acquaintances, and they much are more likely to find you if you are a part of the conversation. Eric Hammer from Quantum SEO Labs talked about the importance of social media in a recent article.
“[Social media] has really taken the concept of SEO and stood it on its ear because until now, you were trying to get Google to notice you. Now, for the first time, because of social media, you need to try to get human beings to notice you too and recommend you to their friends,” Hammer said.
In short, don’t be anti-social networks, because they help your SEO efforts.

Considering Search Engines Other Than Google

Yahoo! and Bing just can’t do what Google can, according to Master Google’s CEO, Ali Husayni. Just take a look at the fact that Google has taken over 67% of the global search market, and that is old news. The number is surely even larger now, as Husayni explains.

“From the SEO point of view, ranking on Yahoo! and Bing is much easier than ranking on Google. But those that rank well with Google also rank well with the other rivals. You could rank #1 on both Yahoo! and Bing and still lose a big chunk of your business to your rivals that rank well on Google,” Husayni said.
If an SEO company shows you successful campaigns with Bing and Yahoo!, then ask them about Google. Tell them that you only want to be at the top of Google. After all, just as you should be careful when selecting SEO tactics, selecting an SEO company is even more important. According to Husayni, an SEO company knows its game and ranks very well on Google for their important keywords.

Keywords to use when researching SEO companies include: SEO, Google SEO, SEO Company, SEO Services, Free SEO, Cheap SEO, Google Ranking, Top of Google, etc. (Master Google ranks on the first page for Top of Google, first page of Google, Google SEO guaranteed and many other keywords.)

“These keywords vary for different SEO companies; nevertheless they must have a strong organic presence on Google,” Husayni said.
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