Keywords on Your Web Page

Keywords on Your Web Page

Recently I decided to start compiling a series of search engine optimization tips. Each search engine optimization tip will be very specific, should not take a long time to fix (or to check to see if you are following the search engine optimization best practices), and will be rather “short and sweet” and directly to the point.

For this third search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about your keywords on your web page. That’s right, it all about your keywords. In the first search engine optimization tip, I talked about your web page’s Title Tag and how it’s important to make sure that your keywords are in your title tag. In the second search engine optimization tip, I talked about the meta description tag and how it is important to use your keywords in your meta description tag. Well, in this third search engine optimization tip let’s talk about the keywords on your web page.

The keywords or keyword phrase that you are targeting for the page needs to mentioned on the web page in the text. It sounds pretty obvious, but you would be surprised how common it is to only mention the keyword phrase once (or not at all) on a web page. This happens a lot of corporate web sites, where someone who is not an SEO writes the copy for the web page. Too often they are more concerned about “fluffy” and “pretty” copy that embellishes a product or service. And too often the actual keyword phrases or keyword is never mentioned–anywhere–on the web page.

In an ideal situation, before the web page’s copy is written, the keyword or keyword phrase is given to the copywriter. And the copywriter uses that keyword or keyword phrase several times on the page. Let’s take a look at an example.
On the Vizion Interactive home page, we mention the keyword phrase search engine optimization. In the screen capture below, you will see that I’ve highlighted the keyword phrase (using the Google Toolbar’s highlighting feature) to point out the keyword phrase.

Search Engine Optimization Vizion Interactive

Take a look at the content of your web pages. Take a look at the keywords that you are using on your web pages, in the body copy, in the headings, and elsewhere on the web page. Make sure that the keyword phrase that is in your title tag and meta description tag is also mentioned on your web page.


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