Different Ways To Learn The SEO Basics

If you are like many website owners and entrepreneurs out there you are probably trying to figure out just how it is that you can do a good portion of your search engine optimization and marketing efforts yourself to cut back on costs. There are a variety of efforts you can be doing to learn as much as you can when it comes to marketing your own website online. It just comes down to making time to learn some of the basics to help you get things moving with your search engine marketing.

Read SEO Blogs
There is an amazing abundance of search engine marketing related blogs that are updated with wonderful information almost on a daily basis for the entire community to read, for free. If you are serious about learning about various methods to increase visibility and traffic you are going to have to spend some time reading every single day. Go through a handful of the search engine optimization blogs and then narrow down which ones you like and stick to reading them every day if possible.
Here are some SEO blogs you might enjoy (other than my blog!)
Search Engine Watch
Search Engine Journal
Top Rank Blog
Official Matt Cutts Blog
Watch SEO and SEM Related Online Videos
If you are not much of a reader you could watch the slew of videos that exist out there in the search space. Sometimes a video can really help you understand things a bit easier than sitting there and having to read through many pages of content. Websites like YouTube and Howcast are great resources to use to find different channels and videos that layout a step by step process that can help you understand how to market your own business online.
Helpful video resources to watch:
Google Webmaster YouTube Channel
Search Engine Strategies (SES) YouTube Channel
Social Media
If you are already on a variety of social media platforms become a fan on some of the industry leading search marketing Facebook fan pages so you can see their updates come through every day. Chances are they are only the cream of the crop that comes rolling through the update section so you can bet that the information is very useful. Most of the internet marketing gurus have really embraced social media marketing and it has become a breeding ground for great information that can help an individual learn just about anything they want to learn.
Twitter is also very important information source because some of the larger trusted Twitter sources are very active and usually bring a lot of amazing material to the public audience in the Twitter stream. This is information the pros are using every single day to market their websites online.
Helpful Twitter sources to follow:
Nick Stamoulis Twitter (had to give myself a plug here too!)
Lee Odden Twitter
Rand Fishkin Twitter
SEO and Search Engine Marketing Training
If you absolutely don’t have any time to take the long hauled path of reading and watching videos to educate yourself on the world of search engine optimization and marketing you could just settle for a full blown training program. A training program could really help you streamline the process of learning how to do SEO. Reading and watching videos is great but trial and error along with structured training might be required to really learn what it is that you are reading. A training program could help you cut through the chase and learn exactly what you need to know. It really depends what your timeline and situation is. If you are looking to learn how to apply a variety of search engine marketing and optimization efforts getting involved in a training program might be right for you.
Help SEO training programs:
SEO Training by Brick Marketing
SEMPO Institute
Bruce Clay SEO Training
Once you have spent some time either learning on yourself or going through a training program try and find a website you might have and start experimenting with a variety of techniques that could help you test out what you have learned. You don’t want to test something you are not sure of on a site that brings in the income for your livelihood. Have fun with it because once you start seeing results it is very gratifying. Just take your time put a strategy together and enjoy your new knowledge.


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