Content Promotion Techniques That Work

Do you write lots of content that seem to get swept under the rug only to never be seen or read? You have to realize that there are thousands of articles, blog posts and all types of content being placed online almost every single day so not all of them can get the recognition that they deserve by your community. It takes time to acquire the writing skills and marketing techniques to really get others linking to your article and reading all new material.

Here are some ways you can strengthen the visibility of your content:
Content Promotion Technique#1 – Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking sites such as Digg and Stumbleupon are great for pushing out articles. With the ability to alter titles and include a description you can really give your article marketing the extra push it needs.

Content Promotion Technique#2 – Twitter
Take that article and place a link along with the title in your Twitter stream. If you have a keyword in your title always use a hash tag in your Twitter stream to further its reach. Submit your article a few times in your Twitter stream over a short period of time. If your article is popular it won’t hurt to submit the link more than once during a few week span of time.

Content Promotion Technique#3 – Facebook
If you do not have a Facebook fan page for your business you should have one. Take the link to your article and drop it into your Facebook page for your audience to see. Even if you do not have many fans in your account you can still gain visibility in the search engines due to the indexing of many social platform links.

Content Promotion Technique#4 – LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn groups are an amazing way to generate great targeted visitors to your website for those of you that at want to attract business readers. Join like-minded groups and submit your article into the stream of conversations and you will generate traffic and exposure to your content in no time.

Content Promotion Technique#5 – Niche Social Bookmarking
Some industries have social bookmarking websites dedicated towards a specific area of interest which can often times lead to very targeted website visitors. If you have any for your industry take the link where your content sits and submit it to your niche social bookmarking website.


Unknown said...

wow nice infoo

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