VCMS - Complete Source Full Access, Completely Unlimited

Magellan Pangaea S.M.B.A.
Unit price:
222662983.85 IDR (25000.00 USD)
VCMS - Complete Source (PHP + FLA Source Files, 1 Domain, White Labeling Enabled, Non-Exclusive/Non-Resalable) - Full Access, Completely Unlimited

VCMS - Complete Source (PHP + FLA Source Files, 1 Domain, White Labeling Enabled, Non-Exclusive/Non-Resalable) - Full Access, Completely Unlimited
Inclusive of all programming source files, add-ons, and enterprise-level services, enjoy unparalleled developer access to VCMS and control every aspect of your new webcam CMS.  For established programs and serious start-ups, this VCMS licensing option allows you to design and develop your program with your own team, on your own schedule.

System Requirements:
  • FMIS 3.5 Requirements (Flash): Linux (Centos, RedHat), FMIS > = 3.5.1-2 (without the included Apache), PHP, Apache, FFMPEG, FFMPEG-php, FLVTool2, Perl
  • Apache Requirements (PHP): Apache, PHP, FFMPEG, FFMPEG-PHP, FLVTool2, MySQL


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