FusionWidgets Personal License

FusionCharts Technologies LLP
Unit price:
199.00 USD
FusionWidgets v3 helps you present your KPIs in dashboards, real-time monitors and financial reports concisely and beautifully. It offers a wide variety of gauges and charts including dial charts, linear gauges, thermometers, Gantt charts, funnel & pyramid charts, bullet graphs and sparklines. Additionally, live streaming capabilities with auto-update feature ensures that your charts always show current data updated to the second.

FusionWidgets v3 helps you present your KPIs in dashboards, real-time monitors and financial reports concisely and beautifully. Its live streaming capabilities with auto-update feature ensures that your charts always show current data updated to the second.
The wide variety of charts and gauges available include dial charts, linear gauges, thermometers, Gantt charts, funnel & pyramid charts, bullet graphs and sparklines. FusionWidgets provides all the necessary components to effectively build financial dashboards, stock monitors, manufacturing panels, project dashboards, network appliances and analytics dashboards when used in combination with FusionCharts, FusionMaps and PowerCharts.
FusionWidgets is cross-platform and cross-browser compatible. It can be integrated with a myriad of web technologies including ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, JSP, Ruby on Rails, Python etc. The widgets are controlled by their XML data API and can be integrated with any database including MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL or even legacy data systems. The real-time update feature does not need any specific technology or framework and works with even the most basic server and configuration.
Salient Features of FusionWidgets:
  • Works with all web technologies and databases: FusionWidgets works with ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript or even simple HTML pages. It connects to any database (MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL) and web service to enable real-time charting.
  • Stunning looks that will wow your audience: With animated gauges and charts, carefully designed shapes, beautiful gradients and customizable annotations, the visual appeal of FusionWidgets is sure to wow your audience.
  • Smart and complete reporting: FusionWidgets comes packed with smart reporting capabilities like tooltips, drill-down, real-time charting, interactive legend and actionable context menu for a complete reporting experience.
  • Wide variety of dashboard charts supported:  FusionWidgets supports a variety of gauges and charts like dial charts, linear gauges, LEDs, cylinder gauge, thermometers, Gantt charts, funnel & pyramid charts, bullet graphs and sparklines.
  • Real-time charting capabilities: Most of the charts in FusionWidgets support real-time updating capabilities. The charts update themselves at specified intervals by fetching new data without invoking page refreshes. This makes charts for live monitoring of stock, network or manufacturing data highly effective.
  • AJAX Enabled Charts with extensive JavaScript API: AJAX Enabled Charts with extensive JavaScript API: All charts in the FusionWidgets are tightly integrated with JavaScript. This allows client-side chart or attribute update, listening to chart events, maintaining chart states and clone it. Real-time charts can also pass on data to client-side JavaScript modules enabling tight synchronization between your front-end and data model.
  • Unlimited levels of drill-down supported: FusionWidgets is a perfect fit for reports with multiple levels of drill-down. Individual data points on the chart or gauge can be configured to drill-down in same window, new window, pop-up window or frames.
  • Exports to JPG, PNG, PDF and CSV: While charts are generated using Flash, they can also be exported to JPG, PNG or PDF. The data can also be copied from the chart as CSV. This can be done either through user interaction or even programmatically.
  • Industry-leading component trusted by Fortune 500 companies and the web’s most popular sites: With over 17,000 customers and 330,000 users, FusionCharts Suite is the industry's leading RIA charting component. A majority of Fortune 500 companies prefer FusionCharts for their reporting needs. Popular websites that trust FusionCharts for their data visualization needs include LinkedIn, Weather.com, Federal IT Dashboard, AWeber, PollDaddy, StatCounter and Wufoo.
  • Gets you started in 15 minutes: FusionWidgets is quick to install and easy to integrate.  Our extensive documentation, business demos and easy to understand code samples get you started in 15 minutes.
  • Commercially open source: You can purchase the entire source of FusionWidgets as part of the Enterprise Plus and OEM License. This allows you to modify and recompile it as per your requirement. The code is written in ActionScript 2 and can be compiled using Flash IDE (8/CS3/CS4/CS5).
  • Superb support options: With each license of FusionWidgets, you get personalized support from our technical support team. In addition, you can use our self-help options that include our extensive documentation, Knowledge Base and Forum of over 10,000 active members.

System Requirements: Flash Player 8 (or above) at client-side. Anything at all on server side.


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