Title guidelines for SEO

The <title> tag for each page should follow these guidelines for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Search engines use the contents of the <title> tag to provide some of the details about the contents of the page. The <title> tag is the most important tag that site developer controls that can influence the relevance and ranking of a page in search-engine results.
The <title> tag helps differentiate a page from other pages in search-engine results. A unique, accurate, and descriptive title can improve the click-through volume to the site.
The <title> tag should be defined in the <head> tag section of the page, before the <meta name="description"> and <meta name="keywords"> tags.


Search engines generally expect to find consistently formatted content and structure in the <title> tag for each page in a site.
Review each <title> tag in the site to make sure that it contains text that is relevant to the page that contains it.

Check each <title> tag for the following:


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