
With Google’s announcement of site speed now playing a hand in search engine ranking, many webmasters will no doubt be taking a look at their websites speed performance. But lets take a step back… although your site may rank well in the SERP’s, this is pretty useless if your website is down at any time and your searchers can’t get access to it.

This got me thinking of how webmasters and site owners can effectively monitor their website (without sitting in front of a computer screen all day and night). Of course your web hosting company should alert you to any downtime, but there are some other online tools that may do this for you more quickly (and best of all they’re free!)
In researching these tools I came across a post from Mashable, so a hat-tip to the writer for their suggested list.

Here are our top 3 suggestions:

Uptime Robot

Monitors up to 50 of your websites every 5 minutes. Alerts can come via email, SMS, RSS and Twitter. Your website’s header status code is looked at every 5 minutes and if an error code is returned (400 to 500 ranges) then they will investigate further and alert you.

Are My Sites Up?

The free account monitors up to 5 websites at least 25 times per day with unlimited email and SMS notifications. The service also tells you why your site is down by providing the error code it returned.

This simple set-up service allows you to monitor 1 website with checks every 30 minutes. Alerts are available via instant messenger, SMS, email and RSS. also has an application which tracks failures and logs a report of the uptime/downtime of your website per day, week or month and makes the reports available to you in real time.
While, there are plenty to other similar services available, many provide free accounts for a limited time only (i.e. 30 day trials), whereas the three I have outlined above are for an extended period.
Are there any other monitoring services that you suggest? We would love to create an extensive list for our readers, so feel free to share your favourites in the comments section below.


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