Free SEO toolkit by Microsoft

After the launch of its re branded, revamped and rebuffed decision search engine Bing, Microsoft is now offering a search Engine optimization toolkit which will help webmasters, developers and administrators to increase the visibility of their pages with search engines. The toolkit is currently being distributed free of charge. According to Miscrosoft, it will help optimizing the content- and in turn pages in a search engine friendly manner for IIS based websites.

The toolkit includes a total of three tools: Site Analysis, Robots Exclusion, and Sitemaps and Site Indexes. These three modules in the SEO Toolkit for IIS will streamline the process of performing detailed evaluations of websites, and then deliver the editing tools, with recommendations and guidance to manage the Robots and Sitemap files.

This, coupled with the grand release of Bing indicates Microsoft’s strong interest in the field of search engine technologies. A genre which MS dealt with rather callous approach in past. Microsoft seems to be following a completely different gameplan this time around though. I am pretty sure the tool kit will offer good optimization services “Bing-wise” but how well it goes in optimizing things for Google and other search engines in general is yet to be seen. Yeah, I know Lauren said Google, but com’on..really? I doubt it.

1. Microsoft to invest $100 million in ad campaigns for its search engine: ‘Bing’(?)
2. Microsoft rebrands its search engine: Kumo to be released next week
3. Microsoft’s Bing: Finally set for a June 3 launch
4. Google-Yahoo-Microsoft Will Make New Web Standards


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