Decrease Your Website Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate on your website could be stemming from a variety of different reasons. It could be that your design needs tweaking, content needs rewriting or simply people just don’t like your product but whatever it is there are ways to decrease the bounce rate on your site.

Here are a few suggestions that you can implement that can significantly decrease the overall bounce rate of your website:


When was the last time you had your website redesigned? If it has been more than 5 years chances are you need to re-approach the design of your website and make it a bit friendlier.

User Experience:

If you didn’t own your website and you came across it how would you feel once you got there? User experience is everything when it comes to bounce rate. If it is a poor user experience than people are going to leave very quickly.

Launch A Blog:

A blog will give people a reason to stick around your website a bit longer. It gives a user a reason to make another action on your website and stick around depending on how useful or interesting your blog posts are.

Change Your Content:

Is your website content old and stale? Has it not been updated since your design? Chances are people are starting read it than tuning out and leaving the page. Try giving your content a bit of a revamp to get visitors to keep reading through your website.


Often times when websites simply lack the ability to hold onto a reader’s attention than it might be time to go through a slight rebrand of your website. This means changing the messaging, logos and concept across the board.
It is important to test a variety of different things when you are trying to decrease the bounce rate of your website. Sometimes it is not pin pointed to just one effort but a variety of efforts and until you change them all you won’t see the effects you are looking for. If your website has been sitting untouched for many years it probably needs an entire overhaul but if it is new than it might be the product or service itself scaring visitors away. Of course, every website and business is entirely different in every way, but these are some suggestions that might help. Please feel free to share any other suggestions that have worked for your business to help decrease the bounce rate of your website.


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